Although The
Dungeon had purchased and installed a Mortal Kombat 4 machine on
9-13-97, it wasn't fully updated to "Revison 3" until 2-2-98. Up
until that point, The Dungeon had not been know for finding secrets or
"fatalities" at all, but on the night the new chips were first installed,
two new fatalites were discovered by Dungeon regular "Danny Thibodeaux",
also known as "Coach". From that point on, The Dungeon had been put
on the map, later to become world famous, as more "Revison 3" fatalites
were discovered in The Dungeon than anywhere else in the world! Having
said all that, I will now list the fatalities and dates they were discovered,
as well as pictures from the time period, and let the history speak for
2-2-98 (the day "Revision 3" was
installed in The Dungeon) = Coach discovers 2 fatalities (Tanya
and Sub-Zero)
2-8-98 = IDL discovers Kai fatality
2-28-98 = 3 pit fatalities discovered by Dungeon Master
(Kai, Jax, and Johnny Cage)
3-1-98 = Shinnok's pit fatality discovered by Coach and
Dungeon Master
3-12-98 = IDL discovers Shinnok's fatality
3-24-98 (3:00 p.m.) = Dungeon Master discovers Fujin's pit fatality
4-15-98 (1:15 p.m.) = IDL discovers
Reptile's fatality
Coach Candyman Dungeon